Europa Gro Nr2 Sb Medical Miami
1 matches I've seen you do better McGee. The killer here is the G - a - j combination. I just gave up on this one. WTF doesn't pop-up anything that comes even close and I don't have it.
Reminds me of the search for the font used for the title page of The Satanic Bible /Anton Lavey thread in November. Also not solved. Nowhere that is. To add to this: Which is really a pitty because I think this one, like the other one, is a really nice typeface. Even nicer that the Perpetua - I think. Phillies Cursive Font Tattoo.
Europa Gro NR2-SH-Bol #6. Europa Gro Nr2 SB-Bol Con Font. Publikasjoner 2015; Forskning. Publication Series of The Medical Society No.2, Vol.12, pp.150-152. At vero eos et accusam et justo sa duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit.