Badia Big Picture Serial Port
Big picture: I'm interested in controling a device through MatLab which has a shared library of functions; to open a serial port, get data, and close the port. The data of interest is voltages with time. I have loaded the library into Matlab successfully, and could use some advice on how to call each function properly in order to work with the incoming data later on in the code. I have attached my current non working code. When I call a c function, do I need to define the variables which are passed into it as defined in c?
Hi David, What you are doing seems to be the correct approach. What would really be useful is to check the header file that you have and see the function signatures. Loadlibrary commands are susceptible to datatypes being passed.
For example: callib(A2D, 'Ser1chOpen',port,NULL) function could be expecting an unsigned int as the input for the port. Baixar Livros Cristaos Epub more. But you are passing a double (since MATLAB defaults to a double). You would see the types it expects with libfunctionsview as well. Also what is the exact error and which line of code?
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